Teleflora / Teleflora florist

Thursday, Apr 15, 2021 0 comment(s)

Teleflora acts as a florists association who allows them to exchange orders for flowers across Canada, the United States and abroad.

What is Teleflora?

Teleflora acts as a florists association who allows them to exchange orders for flowers across Canada, the United States and abroad.

Is FLOWERSEZGO.COM a Teleflora member?

Yes. Since 1979, our family business has been a member of the Teleflora floral network. Being part of this association has given us the flexibility to create good partnerships with other local Teleflora florists across Canada and the United States.

Where does FLOWERSEZGO.COM stand in Teleflora? 

In 2007, our company became one of the Top Teleflora florists among all those in North America. With a large volume of orders sent through the Teleflora network each year, we are now proud to have been part of the Teleflora family for over 40 years.

Does Teleflora use local florists?
Teleflora allows us when necessary to send our orders to local florists. All our bouquets are made by local craftsmen and delivered by hand. In addition, all of our arriving flowers are already assembled in a vase or packaging.

What is the best flower company?
We do not know all the florists but we can assure you that ours works very hard every day to always offer more to our customers for the best quality price. FLOWERSEZGO.COM is dedicated to its customers throughout the year. This is why we are not embarrassed to say that we can be your best florist for your flower needs and gift ideas.

How many Teleflora Florists are there?

With more than 15,000 florists members across the United States and Canada, Teleflora is one of the largest flower associations in the world.

Teleflora florists in Canada
Canada represents approximately 15% of the 15,000 retail florists in the Teleflora network.

Teleflora florists in United States
There are more than 12,000 retail florists in the United States that are part of the Teleflora network.

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