Black Tie Optional
$71.95 $62.95

You'll be puttin' on the Ritz when you send this slightly formal, totally fabulous bouquet of white ..

Bridal bouquet divine
$226.96 $197.95

You are getting married and you want flowers that will match your beauty on this day, this bridal bo..

Bridal bouquet of lilies explosion
$166.95 $145.95

Get married with class and elegance with this wonderful bride's bouquet. It is composed of white lil..

Champagne and Gold
$92.95 $82.95

Understated elegance - that's the perfect way to describe this stunning bouquet of white flowers in ..

Dozen Teleflora Pink Roses
$154.95 $137.95

Surprise someone with these pretty pink roses, and they'll marvel at your great taste...

One Dozen Red Roses
$154.95 $137.95

For classic romance, a dozen red roses is always the perfect choice...

Pastel Rose Bubble Bowl
$154.95 $137.95

Romantic and simpthese roses are sure to warm anyone's heart...

Plum Gorgeous
$117.95 $102.95

For a truly luscious display, send them this plum-toned mix of blossoms in shades of purplavender an..

Red Roses and Dendrobiums
$86.95 $73.95

Whether you just met someone or you just fell in love, red roses and white orchids are a classic way..

Sun Blushed Rose Bouquet
$95.95 $81.95

Lovely as a summer sonnet. Six beautiful roses and eucalyptus stems are arranged in a glass vase. Av..

Sundance Premium Rose Bouquet
$113.95 $99.95

Vibrant color roses burst from a glass bowl. Hot pink roses, orange roses, and two-tone orange and p..

Teleflora's Have a Ball Bouquet
$96.95 $84.95

Dazzle somebody special this year with a stunning holiday bouquet in a golden ornament jar sparkling..

The 12 white roses arrangement
$154.95 $137.95

A beautiful assortment of 12 white roses in a beautiful vase..

The Abundance of Love Bouquet
$199.95 $181.95

Express your innermost feelings with this romantic bouquet. 18 roses, limonium and seeded eucalyptus..

The Always Adored Bouquet
$117.95 $102.95

Elegant white calla lilies are simply accented by Phoenix palm leaves to give a look of purity and p..

The Aristocrat Bouquets
$166.95 $145.95

Two arrangement made out of unusual colors to match your buffet or table. Simple cube-shaped vases f..

The arrangement of the tropics
$165.95 $144.95

This exquisite glass flute contains lilies, mollucelamaranth, protea and some lavender roses, in a b..

The basket of exquisite whiteness
$110.95 $96.95

Whether to thank or even offer your sympathies this basket of beautiful flowers is just perfect no m..

The bouquet of the meadows
$361.95 $315.95

This arrangement is simply beautiful in a vase on foot, it is decorated with white roses, white lili..

The bouquet Whiteness Wintry
$126.95 $110.95

White lilies, white fudjis, stems of green hydrangea and beautiful exotic leafs arranged in a clear ..

The Breathless Corsage
$22.95 $20.95

Orchids are so elegant. Purple dendrobium orchids are simply accented with a bow in this superb cors..

The bridal bouquet Unconditional Love
$129.95 $113.95

This beautiful bridal bouquet will enhance all your beauty during this special and how important day..

The bride's bouquet brightness of blue
$169.95 $149.95

You are getting married soon and you are looking for the bouquet in your image, this pretty bouquet ..

The Champagne Dreams Bouquet
$349.95 $299.95

The day of your dreams has arrived. Your bouquet is designed in stunning floral white blooms of rose..

The Cheek to Cheek bouquet
$120.95 $105.95

Lush pink lilies caress the senses as you feast your eyes on this many-splendored array of pink, red..

Showing 1 to 25 of 55 (3 Pages)