Bouquet of six roses
$77.95 $65.95

Choice of red, pink, yellow, white or peach roses...

Bouquet of twelve roses
$139.95 $122.95

Choice of red, pink, yellow, white or peach roses...

Champagne and Gold
$92.95 $82.95

Understated elegance - that's the perfect way to describe this stunning bouquet of white flowers in ..

Fresh flowers bouquet
$64.95 $54.95

Can't decide on which bouquet to send? Let the florist design something special using the season's b..

15% OFF
FTD Celebrate the Season Bouquet
$111.95 $96.95

Brilliant red roses and spray roses flaunt their eye-catching color amongst snow white double lisian..

FTD Merry & Bright
$81.95 $71.95

Vibrant red roses, white spray roses, red hypericum berries and assorted holiday greens create a stu..

Full of class
$131.95 $115.95

A beautiful bouquet composed entirely of callas lilies and lush greenery provide a classic arrangeme..

Pure White Basket
$100.95 $87.95

May it be for a birthday, sympathies or simply to express your feelings, this bouquet composed of wh..

Red And White Delight by Teleflora
$69.95 $59.95

Ce bouquet simplement doux est délicatement disposé dans un cube en verre. C'est un cadeau qu'elle s..

The 12 white roses arrangement
$154.95 $137.95

A beautiful assortment of 12 white roses in a beautiful vase..

The Always Adored Bouquet
$117.95 $102.95

Elegant white calla lilies are simply accented by Phoenix palm leaves to give a look of purity and p..

The bouquet Whiteness Wintry
$126.95 $110.95

White lilies, white fudjis, stems of green hydrangea and beautiful exotic leafs arranged in a clear ..

The Christmas garden plant
$69.95 $60.95

To offer as a holiday gift or to demonstrate your appreciation to a colleague, this garden of plants..

The Daisy Days
$71.95 $62.95

Daisy days are here again! Send someone this cheerful mix of happy-faced white blooms, complete with..

The FTD Glad Tidings
$77.95 $67.95

Rich red roses and spray roses are offset by burgundy mini carnations, variegated holly stems and as..

The green touch bouquet
$73.95 $64.95

Package including a beautiful assortment of flowers it all in shades of green...

The Lush Lily Bouquet
$63.95 $55.95

Lovely white Asiatic lilies are a wonderful way to celebrate a special day - or make an ordinary day..

The Winter Elegance Bouquet
$72.95 $63.95

Snowy white alstroemeria and red hypericum berries are an elegant way to send your special greetings..

Thoughts of You Bouquet
$73.95 $62.95

It's the thought that counts, but it counts a bit more when it is expressed with three gorgeous red ..

Showing 1 to 19 of 19 (1 Pages)