Love and Feelings

Sunday, Jul 14, 2019 0 comment(s)

What is this intense emotion that can overwhelm us at the sight or thought of a person? It's the love feeling. How is it manifested? Why is it so good? Can it last a long time? Enlightenment on this mystery of nature.

What is this intense emotion that can overwhelm us at the sight or thought of a person? It's the love feeling. How is it manifested? Why is it so good? Can it last a long time? Enlightenment on this mystery of nature. 

Emerging love is manifested by many signs, such as palpitations, the throat that is knotted, the hands that become moist, or an immense happiness that invades us to the thought or the sight of this desired being. It is also in this that it is possible to distinguish between love and friendship. 

The love feeling would not develop by chance, our unconscious choosing the one with whom he wishes to flourish. A facies, a voice, a gesture ... these elements would come to revive buried emotional memories, such as the fusional link with the mother, as a kind of saving regression. Because it is well known, in a state of love, emotions intensify, euphoria and dependence develop and reality becomes much more beautiful, like a daydream ... It is as common as our eyes and our hearing focus only on things that meet our expectations. We then tend to minimize the defects of the other and to project our ideals and desires on the other. Besides, do not they say that love makes you blind? This feeling can also change our behavior, so we become much more tolerant and patient with respect to the desired being. Freud said of some women in loss of self-esteem that they could completely change their personality and interests to each new partner ... 

In addition to a deep desire for emotional security and physical pleasure, the body becomes a real place of hormonal upheaval. Endorphins, luliberin, oxytocin and especially testosterone, the key hormone of sexual desire ... All these molecules are released en masse during the love affair and allow this disinhibition and the pursuit of further caresses. All this then produces dopamine, a real motivation vector. 

There are some differences in perception.


Men have a much more sexual dimension. In other words, testosterone tends to take precedence over their objectivity, thinking skills and value systems. 

As for women, their operation is different. If the same emotions (including that of sexual desire) are present, the feeling of love has more effect of a drug. When a woman is in contact with her partner, her whole emotional system is awakened. And it is precisely when his lover is absent that the lack syndrome is felt.

The love feeling is first generated by a passion (reciprocal or not). But it is obviously ephemeral. Scientists and psychiatrists agree that the state of love lasts on average only 3 years. It does not mean it disappears afterwards! However, it takes another turn, more inclined to tenderness, mutual respect and the desire to gather around a common project (home, children). After passion comes reason, the desire for stability.

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